Scott Rucker: Volunteer of the Month

June 2023 Volunteer of the Month

Congratulations to Volunteer of the Month Scott Rucker, meal delivery driver. Scott was nominated by Colorado Springs Distribution and Volunteer Coordinator Tiana Clark. Here’s what Tiana had to say about him:

For nearly a decade, Scott has demonstrated unwavering dedication to delivering meals to neighbors in need throughout Colorado Springs. In the past four years alone, we cannot recall a single bi-weekly shift he has missed.

Scott has formed meaningful connections with numerous Project Angel Heart volunteers. He even took the initiative a few years ago to organize a bag decorating event for Children’s Hospital staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. This event provided an outlet for increased workload and inspired others to volunteer for Project Angel Heart’s meal deliveries.

Scott’s calming presence is not only felt by our team, but also by our clients. Teresa, one of our longtime satellite coordinators, added that Scott is someone who exudes quiet kindness towards her and all the volunteers. She also appreciates his lovely sense of humor.

Scott is truly treasured by all, and his exceptional dedication makes him highly deserving of the Volunteer of the Month recognition.

Scott Rucker
Scott Rucker